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We maintain an ever growing list of definitions (and useful links) for things mentioned on Florence-On-Line. If you want to see something added please add it in the comments!


  • Aperitivo: This is the pre-dinner or after work drink with a snack that originates in northern Italy. Basically it is a drink and a buffet of small plates and finger foods that can be a pre-dinner or dinner replacement if you are on a budget.
  • Cathedral: The principal church of a diocese, with which the bishop is officially associated.
  • Mesticheria: Basically, a hardware store - paint, tools, etc. - but you can also find household items, cleaning supplies, etc.
  • Predella: The base of an altarpiece, especially one containing decorated panels depicting scenes related to the main panel or panels.

Useful tourism and scholarship links:

  • https://www.diocesifirenze.it The official diocese website for Florence, great information on all of Florence's churches including news and mass times.
  • https://www.serviziallastrada.it Basically this translates to "Roadside Services". This is the official website for driving, parking, the ZTL, etc. in Florence. As of this update, there are still no online forms however - how a tourist would request access to the ZTL is still not clear to me from this website.
  • https://villegiardinimedicei.it Official site of the Medici villas and gardens in Tuscany.

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