Home / Monuments / San Zanobi

San Zanobi

san-zenobi-column.JPGSan Zanobi was the first Bishop of Florence, a patron saint of Florence, and now specifically Scandicci.

Go to Piazza del Duomo and find "his" lone column near the entrance of the Baptistery where this week to commemorate one of the Saint's miracles there are red and white flowers adorning the base.

Jan. 27th (approx. 429) marks the "date" when San Zanobi's remains were transferred from the Church of San Lorenzo Church, the first Cathedral of Florence founded in 390AD, to Piazza del Duomo where the "new" Cathedral of Santa Reparata was being constructed - a project the St. Zanobi was instrumental in starting.

When the procession passed the area of today's piazza del Duomo - a tree grazed by San Zanobi's bier began to sprout buds, new branches, and leaves - blooming in the heart of the winter.

This miracle is recalled by this column - and on the column in Gothic script "almost illegible" is the story and a darkened bronze relief of a tree in full bloom.

So every year I Fiorentini celebrate this miracle of San Zanobi on Jan 27, and decorate the base with flowers and greenery in his honor.


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