Home / Museums of Florence / Bargello Museum

Bargello Museum


The Museo Nazionale del Bargello has an extensive collection of sculpture from the early and late Renaissance. It occupies an impressive building just off of Piazza San Firenze that was formerly a prison barracks and home to the military captain in charge of keeping peace and justice during riots and uprisings. The Museum holds extraordinary collections of sculpture and minor arts such as ceramics, shields, etc. Some of the most important sculptures of the Renaissance have converged in this museum, which includes masterpieces by: Donatello, Luca della Robbia, Verrocchio, Michelangelo, Lamberti, and Cellini.

The museum was later enriched with prestigious collections of bronzes, majolica, wax, enamels, medals, ivories, amber, tapestries, furniture, seals and textiles, coming in part from the Medici collections and in part from private donations.

On the days it is open, the museum usually closes early at 1:50 pm, with the last entrance at 1 pm, so plan accordingly!

Closing days: Tuesdays, 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

Here is a video (in Italian) featuring the art works of the Bargello:


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