Changing Money In Florence

The best place to exchange - change money (cash) in Florence is with Carlo (or his son Marco) in their tiny shop (actually just a window you walk up to) the size of a closet that is tucked into the side of the Uffizi. They have been changing money in this spot for over 50 years, and have the best rates (really!) in town.
Carlo is a real Florentine and a great guy - he speaks Italian, English and Japanese - and will always take the time to share an anecdote or two. They are always just 2 or 3 pennies off the published exchange rates, with no extras, no commission added, etc., while many other exchange shops have a spread of 5 or 7 cents - and tack on a commission fee. Cash and travelers checks welcome - he will also let you charge cash on your credit card (they do take 5% on this type of transaction - but it can be really handy). He is open early to at least 7:00 PM, every day. On Via della Ninna (little street on the south side of the Palazzo Vecchio that leads to Via dei Neri if you care coming from Piazza Signoria).
A bit of an update from around the web - the window was closed for a while during the COVID 19 epidemic but is open again now, supposedly with the same hours as the Uffizi. They don't have a website or any social media to my knowledge.
If you see Carlo or Marco, tell him Anthony from via dei Neri sent you!
Additional Currency Exchange Options:
Of course there are many other places to change money even though in this digital day and age they seem obsolete:- There are exchange shops or kiosks in the city center - these usually are the worst options money wise (the exchange rate is poor and there is also a fee) but can be the most convenient
- Post offices are a safe bet - look for a Poste Italiane sign (yellow and blue) or visit the link for locations
- Your debit and/or credit card may also work at cash machines known as Bancomats (the US equivalent of an ATM)
- Regular banks can also be used, but getting into a bank can sometimes be a challenge, and the language barrier can make it a bit more difficult
Here's a really good video that pretty much confirms everything I wrote above - unfortunately it looks like they didn't find Carlo's place - but they do point out how insane the fees are at the "Best and Fast" places, and how much better using the post office is:
Last update:
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